Ad Heading

Ad Heading

The Heading specifies the Newspaper section where the ad will be released.


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Ad Uploading Tips:
  • Supporting documents will be required for certain ads. If required You will be notified.
  • Select the Width and height of the Advertisement.
  • Upload the advertisement content in the appropriate size.
  • Make sure the ad content should have 300 DPI/PPI in resolution.
This is a sample text. please add and edit this content. Type your advertisement content add mobile number, email id, website address. You Can upload image logo photo. PLEASE REMOVE THE CONTENT ABOVE.
Ad Composing Tips:
  • Supporting documents will be required for certain ads. If required You will be notified.
  • Click and Edit the Ad section in ad layout to replace the sample text.
  • Use toolbar to enhance your Ad matter.
  • Delete or add the header and footer using the toolbar.

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Base Rate: ₹ | Ehancement Rate: ₹ | Extra Rate: ₹ | Premium Charge: ₹ | GST (5%): ₹
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Economic Times


Times of India- Bhopal, The Economic Times- Bhopal, Sunday Times of India- Bhopal; ID- TOIMP+ETMP+STOIMP

Rs. 2625/15 SQCM BW