We are an advertising aggregator, Booknewad is helping people to book newspaper advertisements online. Here we manage newspaper publishers' advertising space as well as advertisers' advertising needs. Also, as an advertising aggregator, we take care of our business partners. We have built this new ecosystem to help all the potential advertisers with agencies along with our reputed publication houses. Our mission is to provide a completely automated newspaper advertisement booking platform.
We started in the year 2014 in the name of adeaction.com. We took every challenge as an opportunity, and finally riched to you. Booknewad started from scratch and used our 9 years of expertise to develop the application again. Because we realize that what you deserve no other platform is providing that quality services. We have been trying to use all reviews and suggestions to make this happen.
We provide media options that include Newspapers, Radio, Cinema, Magazines, Websites, and even TV Channels. Currently, we are serving newspaper advertisement services through our web portal. We are rolling out our other services very soon on the Booknewad website. You can send us requests over email for other media buying options.
So now you can decide how you want to book your new ad whether 'buy smartly' or 'value buying'.