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Looking for a newspaper advertisement offers? This is the right place where you will find all types of advertisements offers and schemes from the newspaper. Such as Text Line Ads, Classified Display Ads, Malti Column ads in a single place. If you want to get the best out of if it, you can tweak the filters and get what exactly you are looking for. Also, the basic rates display with a sample image of a newspaper advertisement. If you want to get all the details about the newspaper advertisement then simply click on the sample image and get all relevant information about that type of newspaper advertisement. For example, if you want to book The Times of India Matrimonial Advertisement. Then from the filter select the newspaper and click apply. You will get all the discounted packages and single-city prices.
Legal Notice ( Showing 1 - 206 Advertisments )
You can create your Legal Notice Classified Ad for any newspaper via Booknewad. It's simple and easy too, because of the e-commerce model. At Booknewad you get a bunch of newspapers in a single place and they are widely circulated in India. So as you wanted to book Legal Notice Ads for a paper you gave to find the place or city name and along with the newspaper. Then check the newspaper's vital information on the next page. Like Complete price and tariff, which cites covering and when you have to book the ad. This way you get the complete info about the discounted package and if a specific city.
So that is how you selected your newspaper and city, now it's time to make the Ad Creative for Newspaper Legal Notice Ad. So once you click on compose ad. You will be re-directed to make the Ad creative or Ad matter. That will be the Ad content, Booknewad will send later to the respective publication and city to actually publish the Ad in the Hard copy Newspaper.
Now if you have the content handy you can just specify the Ad Size and upload it. But if you don't have the content you can make the content on the editor given in the Ad composer. In that editor, you can manually type the header, body, and footer content of the Ad. If you have selected the colour option the ad will be in colour. So if you want to switch between Colour and Black & White then on this page there is a filter section, just change the colour option as you wanted them to show. Then choose the release date and make the payment securely.
Your order will be processed as per your given information. So for example, if you selected a single release date for a particular newspaper. Then on that day, the Ad will be published. No other day your ad will print. But if in case you have ordered any discounted package then the ad will be published as per the package.
Yes, I can understand your problem, but that is not a problem. If you want any specific newspaper to be displayed then simply select that newspaper name from the filter. So in that way will only get result for that newspaper. The same goes with the city, here all cities are listed due to many newspapers and their multiple editions. So if you want results related to Bangalore and Delhi, then just check to bother the city name from the city filter option. Hope this will help you to locate the correct newspaper and city as you wanted them.
Your Legal Notice Ad will be published on the same day as per your given information at the time of booking.
Ok, first go to the order please page find it in the menu bar or from the top right side corner. Then please check the publication date, then open that day newspaper and that edition newspaper was printed. For example, if you booked an ad for Legal Notice Ad in Kolkata and the newspaper id Anandabazar and the release date is 12/Dec/2021 then you have to find the advertisement in the Aandabazar Patrika published from Kolkata Edition and the date should be 12 Dec 2021. You will never find your ad on any other dates newspaper, on any other brand newspaper, or any other city/edition. So everything should be the same and also make a note that in other cities you can not find the other editions newspaper.
So if you are not living in the same city where you published the Legal Notice Ad then if an e-paper is available that will help you a lot. But if you need the physical hard copy for you have to buy them from local vendors.
Yes, you can WhatsApp the Advt content so that we can give you the proper link for booking and guide you throughout the session. In that way, you will be able to create the booking for newspaper ads instantly and without doing anything wrong. We will be communicating with each and every piece of information as per the publication needs. That will really help you to understand the booking process and what should you do and what not to do.
Also, we will create the Classified Display matter for you and that is a complimentary service. To avail that pleases complete the booking and make the payment. Then WhatsApp us the order number from your registered mobile, we will then make the personal ad as per your need.