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Looking for a newspaper advertisement offers? This is the right place where you will find all types of advertisements offers and schemes from the newspaper. Such as Text Line Ads, Classified Display Ads, Malti Column ads in a single place. If you want to get the best out of if it, you can tweak the filters and get what exactly you are looking for. Also, the basic rates display with a sample image of a newspaper advertisement. If you want to get all the details about the newspaper advertisement then simply click on the sample image and get all relevant information about that type of newspaper advertisement. For example, if you want to book The Times of India Matrimonial Advertisement. Then from the filter select the newspaper and click apply. You will get all the discounted packages and single-city prices.

Tender Notice ( Showing 1 - 31 Advertisments )

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Booking tender notice ad in the newspaper Classified: A Cost-Effective Advertising Solution.

If you are looking for a cost-effective way to advertise your tender or public notice. We have many packages and newspapers. Not only is it one of the largest circulated newspapers in India, but it also offers a variety of ad design options to make your ad stand out from the rest.

 Enhance Your Ad with Special Ad Designs

At Booknewad, you can choose from a range of ad designs to make your tender notice ad in the newspaper classified text ad more eye-catching. These ad designs include:

Bold & Underlined - The text can be bold and highlighted.

Border - 1 pixel border will add a more prominent view of the message.

Dotted Border - This type of border is used to look different from the crowd.

Picture - One image will change the context of the message positively.

Why Tender Advertisements are used?

Tender Ads are mainly used for Information Sources, Bid Invitations, Business Networking, and Market Competition.

Each ad design has its unique style and can be selected based on your preferences and budget. By selecting an ad design, you can make your tender or public notice classified text ad more visible and increase the chances of receiving a response from potential customers.

Rates for Ad Designs

The cost of booking a tender or public notice classified text ad in any newspaper may vary according to the ad design selected. The rates for each ad design may differ based on their level of visibility, the size of the ad, and the duration of the ad's run.

What does a Tender Advertisement mean?

A tender advertisement in a newspaper is primarily used to request or offer services, contracts, or goods. Both government organizations and private companies publish tender notices in newspapers for these purposes.